The Rahmstorf Method

The so-called "Rahmstorf Method" semi-empirical model for predicting accelerated sea level rise has been thoroughly demolished by a number of other scientists, and by the progression of time. Here are some relevant links:

"Rahmstorf (2007) presented an approach ... based on a proposed linear relationship ... We find no such linear relationship. Although we agree that there is considerable uncertainty in the prediction of future sea-level rise, this approach does not meaningfully contribute to quantifying that uncertainty."
Holgate, S., Jevrejeva, S., Woodworth, P., and Brewer, S., 2007. Comment on A Semi-Empirical Approach to projecting Future Sea-Level Rise, Science, 317, 1866.

"...this statistical analysis (Rahmstorf, 2007) is based on an application of statistics ... violating basic assumptions of the statistical methods used."
Schmith, T., Johansen, S., and Thejll, 2007. Comment on A Semi-Empirical Approach to projecting Future Sea-Level Rise, Science, 317, 1866c.

"In hindsight, the averaging period of 11 years that we used in the 2007 Science paper was too short to determine a robust climate trend..."
(Stefan Rahmstorf's 2009 mea culpa, on the RealClimate blog site[1][2].)

"It turns out that Rahmstorf has pulled an elaborate practical joke on the Community..."
[Steve McIntyre]

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