Notes on making global.1751_2022.ems10.xlsx and global.1751_2022.ems10.txt These are similar to global.1751_2022.ems9.xlsx and global.1751_2022.ems9.txt, but with the addition of OSCAR land use change emission estimates, from GCP's Carbon Budget 2023 (which has data through 2022). Start by making global.1751_2022.ems10.xlsx ... Start with global.1751_2022.ems9.xlsx ... copy global.1751_2022.ems9.xlsx global.1751_2022.ems10.xlsx Excel2010 global.1751_2022.ems10.xlsx Fix the "tabs" line at the top; copy it from previous year's global.1751_20??.ems10.txt file, or use this: tabs 7 26 46 61 74 87 100 112 124 137 156 Fix the comments at the bottom: * change ems9 to ems10 * change "Land use change effects are not included in this spreadsheet." to: Estimated land use change effects are from OSCAR, as updated by GCP (and they're much less precise than the fossil carbon emission figures): Source: -> "National land use change carbon emissions v2023 [xlsx]" Friedlingstein, P. et al: Global Carbon Budget 2023, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 53015369, 2023. doi:10.5194/essd-15-5301-2023. OSCAR: Gasser, T. et al: Historical CO 2 emissions from land use and land cover change and their uncertainty, Biogeosciences, 40754101, 2020. doi:10.5194/bg-17-4075-2020. Rename the "Total" column header to "Given total fossil" Rename "Per_Capita" column header to "Per Capita Fossil" Insert new column B "Fossil + Land use" Insert new column D "Summed Fossil" and define it to be the sum of gas+oil+coal+flaring+other, and fill-down. (Note that column D and column C should be the same, but they sometimes differ slightly.) Create new column L "Land use (OSCAR)" and paste values for 1850 to latest from the "Global" column of the OSCAR sheet of National_LandUseChange_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx Fill in the values of column B "Fossil + Land use" starting with 1850, defined as the sum of columns C and L, and fill-down. After making global.1751_2022.ems10.xlsx, save it, then save it again in tab-deliminated format, as global.1751_2022.ems10.txt Then open global.1751_2022.ems10.txt in SlickEdit, set the tabs, and save with the +E (expand tabs) option. Then exit SlickEdit, and open it again in SlickEdit. Then fix the column alignments by selecting each desired column, and doing this repeatedly: c /{[0-9.]#}{ }/#1#0/mr Then delete all the quote marks: c/"// ------------------- global.1751_2021.ems11.* and global.1751_2021.ems12.* are very similar to global.1751_2021.ems11.*, except that 11 uses BLUE land effects estimates instead of OSCAR, and 12 uses H&R 2017 land effects estimates. Also, based on advice from Clemens Schwingshackl, I changed global.1751_2021.ems11.* to use BLUE data from Global_Carbon_Budget_2022v1.0_mod1.xlsx instead of National_LandUseChange_Carbon_Emissions_2022v1.0_mod1.xlsx for the years 1959 - 2021.