Extreme precision
References & credits: ↑
1. Hover your mouse cursor over the parameters & options in the input form, for “tool-tip” help.
2. If you download binomcalc.pl and run it with no parameters, it displays a brief help message.
3. Pierce, Rod (2020). “The Binomial Distribution,” Math Is Fun.
4. OnlineMathLearning Binomial Distribution lesson.
5. There are many other on-line binomial probability calculators,
but most fail for large values of n. Here are the best ones I've found. I tested them with a difficult binomial
probability calculation (n=35,750), here are the results. (Hover your
mouse over the links below for my comments about each tool.):
6. This tool is written in Perl 5, and it uses the Perl BigRat module.
7. This tool uses GMP, the GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic library.
8. Q: What's with that odd “.sphp” file extension, anyhow?
Download: ↑
To download this binomial probability calculator, as a standalone program, right-click here (preview), and
“save link as,” or “save target as,” or similar. It is written in Perl, so you'll need to have Perl installed to use it.
On Windows I use 64-bit Strawberry Perl (currently v5.38.2.2), but most other recent version 5 Perls should
also work. 32-bit Strawberry Perl works, but it's nearly twice as slow.
(There are no warranties, express nor implied, but you can contact me if you have difficulty.)
Footnotes: ↑
1 Large values of n make the calculation slower. For example, if
2 Calculating cumulative probablities, rather than a simple binomial probability, makes the calculation slower, especially for large values of k. For example, calculating cumulative probabilities for k=100 requires calculating binomial probabilities for 101 different values of k, and summing them.
3 Long decimal or repeating decimal values of p (or their
equivalents) can make the calculation slower. This mainly affects the “Experimental” precision settings. For example, if
Last modified: 20-May-2024 (version 40)
By David A. Burton.
The “last modified” date & version number on this web page are
maintained automatically by TLIB Version Control.