size date time filename description --------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------ 287803 02/02/2015 02:24 Cowtan_global_land_unadjusted.png graph (screenshot) 412690 02/06/2015 06:34 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal.png graph with digitized points marked 5575 02/06/2015 05:09 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal.json WebPlotDigitizer saved calibration & data 1310 02/06/2015 04:35 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal.csv data points: 24 unadjusted, then 24 adjusted 1192 02/06/2015 05:21 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal2.csv data points: year, unadj_temp, adj_temp 17920 02/06/2015 07:23 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal1.xls spreadsheet 22258 02/06/2015 06:05 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal1.htm spreadsheet exported to web page 22235 02/06/2015 06:22 Cowtan_global_land_digitized_decadal1.html prettified spreadsheet exported to web page Cowtan_global_land_unadjusted.png is a screenshot captured from Dr. Kevin Cowtan's video entitled, "NOAA Paraguay data" The screenshot depicts a graph with two plots of global land surface temperature data: unadjusted data in red, and NOAA's adjusted data in pink, from 1900 to 2014. Using WebPlotDigitizer, I digitized the temperatures for each plot at ten year intervals, from each end. That is, I digitized the unadjusted and adjusted temperatures for each year ending in "0" or "4": 1900, 1904, 1910, 1914, 1920, 1924, 1930, 1934, 1940, 1944, 1950, 1954, 1960, 1964, 1970, 1974, 1980, 1984, 1990, 1994, 2000, 2004, 2010, 2014. I included years ending in "0" so that decadal trends could be calculated starting with year 1900, which is the earliest year in Dr. Cowtan's graph. I included years ending in "4" so that decadal trends could be calculated ending with year 2014, which is the latest year for which data exists. (I didn't include the other years because digitizing all that data is very tedious!) I loaded all the data into a spreadsheet in Excel, with these column headers: year unadj_temp adj_temp I then added ten calculated columns: adj-unadj = the difference between adjusted and unadjusted temperature 50yr_unadj_diff = the difference in unadjusted temperatures between the designated year and fifty years earlier. If positive, it indicates warming compared to fifty years earlier; if negative, it indicates cooling. 50yr_adj_diff = the difference in adjusted temperatures between the designated year and fifty years earlier. 50yr_%warm_from_adj = the percentage of the warming which is due to the adjustments (shown as "100%" if the unadjusted data indicated cooling). 70yr_unadj_diff = the difference in unadjusted temperatures between the designated year and seventy years earlier. 70yr_adj_diff = the difference in adjusted temperatures between the designated year and seventy years earlier. 70yr_%war_from_adj = the percentage of the warming which is due to the adjustments. 114yr_unadj_diff = the difference in unadjusted temperatures between 2014 and 1900. 114yr_adj_diff = the difference in adjusted temperatures between 2014 and 1900. 114yr_%war_from_adj = the percentage of the warming which is due to the adjustments. 114yr_increase_by_adj = the percentage by which the adjustments increased the reported warming.