cc: "Thorne, Peter" ,, Leopold Haimberger , Karl Taylor , Tom Wigley , John Lanzante ,, Melissa Free , peter gleckler , "'Philip D. Jones'" , Thomas R Karl , Steve Klein , carl mears , Doug Nychka , Gavin Schmidt , Steven Sherwood , Frank Wentz , Anne Stark , "David C. Bader" , "Bamzai, Anjuli" date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:37:10 -0700 from: Ben Santer subject: Final version of press release to: Dear folks, Here is the (hopefully final!) version of the press release for our IJoC paper. It just keeps on mutating... There are some small but important changes relative to the version I sent out yesterday evening. The most important change is that we've now removed explicit reference to the UR/UAH group. Some of you were concerned that this explicit reference was unnecessary and provocative. With some careful rewording, Anne found a nice way of finessing this issue. There are also some changes on the second page, in the paragraph beginning "The second reason for the reconciliation..." These changes were suggested by Peter Thorne. The intent here was to convey the message that the new surface and upper-air datasets we've used have helped us to better understand and quantify the "structural uncertainties" in the observations. Please shout loud, quickly, and often if there's something in the revised press release that you cannot live with. If not, I suggest that we should go with this version. Still no word from IJoC on the precise date of online publication. Looks like it will be either tomorrow or early next week. Glenn MacGregor is checking on this. Glenn informed me today that the print version of our paper will appear in the November issue of IJoC, together with the Douglass et al. IJoC paper! I think that Glenn held back the print publication of Douglass et al. (remember that their paper was published online 10 months ago, in December 2007!) so that our paper and theirs would appear in the same issue of the IJoC. I suspect that Douglass et al. are not going to be very happy about IJoC's decision. So be prepared for possible unpleasantness... Now back to work on the fact sheet. With best regards, and many thanks again for your helpful input on the press release, Ben --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin D. Santer Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-103 Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A. Tel: (925) 422-3840 FAX: (925) 422-7675 email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Santer_IJC_Oct_2008_v10.doc"