cc: Martin Juckes , mitrie -- Anders Moberg , Eduardo Zorita , , Jan Esper , Keith Briffa , date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:51:01 +0000 (GMT) from: Martin Juckes subject: RE: TOR temperature reconstruction (fwd) -- past the first hirdle to: Myles Allen Michael Mann is convening a session at Beijing on "Explaining the Climates of Historic Times: Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Influences (ICCL and PAGES)", we would have to approach him. Martin On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Myles Allen wrote: > Regarding Beijing, I find it hard to believe that between the recipients of this e-mail and the steering committee there isn't a convenor willing to bend some abstract submission deadlines if they want to. A more serious question is whether we will have anything to say by then, but we should do: at least bringing the different results together in a common talk and discussing the possible origins of differences would be worthwhile, even if we have not reconciled them by then (assuming, of course, that we ever will: we shouldn't assume a priori that reconciliation is possible). > > It might send a positive message to the committee that we are prepared to talk at Beijing. > > Myles > > Climate Dynamics Group > Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics > Department of Physics, University of Oxford > Tel: 44-1865-272085/925 > Fax: 44-1865-272923 > E-mail: > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Martin Juckes [] > Sent: 15 March 2005 15:30 > To: mitrie -- Anders Moberg; Eduardo Zorita;; Jan Esper; Keith Briffa; Martin Juckes; Myles Allen; > Subject: Re: TOR temperature reconstruction (fwd) -- past the first hirdle > > > Well, we got a positive response from the steering group > (I haven't seen their detailed comments yet, I'll pass them > on when I get them).Can we present results in Beijing in August > is one question. Abstract submission closed 2 days ago, so > I think we can say no on that. > > cheers, > Martin > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 16:23:38 +0100 > From: Bertjan Heij > To: Martin Juckes > Subject: Re: TOR temperature reconstruction > > Dear Martin, > > The Steering Group response was positive! There are somef (minor) comments. > I'll be back to you coming Monday; next couple of days I am on holiday... > Important question: there is a meeting of PAGES (and CLIVAR as well, if I > am right) in Beijing, in August. The Steering Comm. asks if it possible to > present the results of the project there (and finish the final report after > that meeting). What do you think? > > Regards, > BertJan. > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Netherlands Research Programme on Climate Change (NRP CC) > P.O. Box 1 (pb 59) > 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands > tel.: 31 30 2743108 > fax: 31 30 2744436 > > Hét platform voor klimaatkennis in Nederland: > e-mail: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > ----- Forwarded by Bertjan Heij/RIVM/NL on 15-03-05 16:16 ----- > |---------+----------------------------> > | | Bertjan Heij | > | | | > | | 10-03-05 11:54 | > | | | > |---------+----------------------------> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > | | > | To: Martin Juckes | > | cc: | > | Subject: Re: TOR temperature reconstruction(Document link: Bertjan Heij) | > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > > > > Dear Martin, > > Coming Tuesday your proposal will be discussed in the Steering Group of the > WAB-programme. Then, the comments (if any) have to be incorporated in a > final version. So, that's in your hands (assuming that I mail you the > comments as soon as possible). The final step is: submitting the proposal > to the Ministry for a final decision. And that is the weakest part in the > story, because I don't know how long that will take. But I know the people > there and you can be sure that I'll do my very best to speed up the process > there. When the decision is there, the funding can start immediately. > > OK? > Regards, > BertJan. > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Netherlands Research Programme on Climate Change (NRP CC) > P.O. Box 1 (pb 59) > 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands > tel.: 31 30 2743108 > fax: 31 30 2744436 > > Hét platform voor klimaatkennis in Nederland: > e-mail: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > |---------+----------------------------> > | | Martin Juckes | > | | | | .uk> | > | | | > | | 09-03-05 16:33 | > | | | > |---------+----------------------------> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > | | > | To: Bertjan Heij | > | cc: | > | Subject: TOR temperature reconstruction | > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > > > > > > > Dear Bertjan, > > I am finalising our proposal, which should be with you tomorrow, if an > email version and faxed signed copy are acceptable (I'm sorry I forgot to > check this earlier -- it has been a struggle to coordinate a group > of people broad enough to address the problem within the time > frame, but we are getting there). I can put the original signed copy in > the post to be with you before next Tuesday. > > Please could you clarify two things: > > (1) When will is the decision expected? > > (2) When can funding start? i.e. when is the first possible and latest > acceptable date? > > sincerely, > Martin Juckes > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________ > > "Dit bericht en eventuele aangehechte bestanden zijn vertrouwelijk en > uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Ongeautoriseerde verstrekking of > bekendmaking aan en gebruik door anderen zijn niet toegestaan. Als u dit > bericht per vergissing hebt ontvangen wordt u verzocht dit onmiddellijk aan > de afzender te melden en het bericht van uw systemen te verwijderen. > De werkgever van de afzender kan niet garanderen dat de verzonden en/of > ontvangen informatie juist is en aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor > schade die eruit kan voortvloeien." > > "This message and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential > information and is solely intended for the addressee(s). Any unauthorized > disclosure or actions taken in reliance on it are forbidden. If you have > received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender. > The employer of the sender does not guarantee that the information sent > and/or received is correct and does not accept any liability for damages > related thereto." > > >