cc: date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 15:06:44 +0100 from: John Gould subject: CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group to: Dear Mike. The Scientific Steering Group for the WCRP's Climate Variability and Predictability Study (CLIVAR) will meet in Toulouse May 15-18. On the afternoon of Thursday May 17 Tim Palmer from ECMWF who is a member of the SSG is organising a session on "Applications". The idea is to explore how the research that CLIVAR encompasses looking a timescales from seasonal (Monsoons) right through to anthropogenic change is used by operational centres and by applications programmes. Tim has suggested that Antonio Moura from the IRI, you and he would be appropriate people to give the SSG your ideas and help highlight any communication gaps between the research and applications communities in particular. I have also suggested to Tim that John Ingram as the Scientific Director of the GECaFS might also take part. The idea would be to have short (30 minute) presentations from each of you highlighting some of the issues and then a discussion session. Would you be able to attend? You would of course be welcome to sit in on other parts of the SSG meeting. An agenda will go out to attendees later today. Please let me know Sincerely. John Gould ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr W John Gould Direct Phone +44 (0) 23 80596208 Director, WOCE and CLIVAR, Sec'y (WOCE) +44 (0) 23 80596789 WOCE IPO/ICPO Sec'y (CLIVAR) +44 (0) 23 80596777 Southampton Oceanography Centre, Fax +44 (0) 23 80596204 Empress Dock, SOUTHAMPTON, SO14 3ZH, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOCE - World Ocean Circulation Experiment of the World Climate Research Programme CLIVAR - The Climate Variability and Predictability Study of the World Climate Research Programme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------