date: Mon Apr 28 10:44:32 2008 from: Tim Osborn subject: Re: tadaa to: Ian Harris Hi -- correlations look good, 1961-1990 means look good, but amplitude of anomalies still considerably out. Not a simple factor of 10 either. But perhaps a combination of factor of 10 for synth and correct factor for real observations? Can I have permission to read (i) the new contents of rd0syn (presumably these are the new synthetics?) and (iii) in the BADC_AREA (presumably this is the prog you are now using to combine/grid things?). Cheers Tim At 23:27 27/04/2008, you wrote: Hi Tim The latest version of WET (blimey, it's worse than Miscrosoft Service Packs) is in the usual place: /cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet/wet_final/ Please say it looks OK! Well actually scaling isn't a problem, I accept that the anom version of the synthetics generator might produce different;y scaled output, I just want it to look realistic! Cheers H