cc: Eystein Jansen , Keith Briffa date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:06:45 -0600 from: Jonathan Overpeck subject: Re: MWP figure to: Tim Osborn Hi Tim - I think you made the right call, and the fig looks nice. Thanks. With respect to the MWP fig: 1) What period did you normalize to? 2)Is the composite (n.b., not a recon) related to any of the recons in your main text fig? No big deal either way, but thought it would be good to know. 3) I'd go ahead an work on a caption as soon as you can. With respect to the SH fig - your plan sounds fine. Can you send a caption for this one too - by Friday? It would be a big help to have all figs/captions by then. Again, many thanks for both the diplomacy, debates and great final products. Best, peck >Dear Keith, Peck and Eystein, > >as you'll have seen from Tom C's replies to my fairly direct requests for the >data that went into his MWP >figure, he seems somehow reluctant to send it to me and prefers me to find it >myself (including >spending a week re-assembling a Mongolian composite). I have no time to do >this, so have instead >reverted to using the very similar data that we already had. I'm sure it's so >similar that it tells the same >story. > >So, the attached file is my latest attempt at the MWP figure. It shows 8 >local/regional proxy series, >normalised over a common period after filtering to the 20-year and longer time >scale. It also shows a >composite mean, and no temperature scale. The period covered is 850 to 1350. > >What do you think? Hopefully it is what you want. > >I've started on the SH figure, having received data from Ricardo and borehole >series for SH, S. Africa and >Australia from Jason/Henry. I need to sort out Tasmania / New Zealand >instrumental data - Ed has this, >though I could extract appropriate boxes from the Jone et al. gridded data set >if necessary. > >I'll include these series: > >S American trees*2 plus instrumental T overlaid > >S African and Australian boreholes (must also overlay instrumental T to >explain why values are all >negative - due to early sampling prior to strongest warmng) > >Tasmanian and New Zealand trees*2 plus instrumental T) > >It may be Friday by the time I get this one done. > >Cheers > >Tim > >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:ipccar4_mwpbox.pdf (PDF /«IC») (0008C3A0) -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795