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  1. Older than a week
  2. Mason I. Bilderberg (MIB) replied to your comment What a sweet takedown of those sleazy, lying, conspiracy hoaxtsers. A++
    I agree Dave. Do you think it will sway any of their followers?
  3. omanuel replied to your comment I know that “neutron repulsion” is your favorite subject, Oliver, but it is WAY off-topic here.
    Thanks, David. I am more concerned about the loss of constitutional limits on government from united, worldwide efforts to hide neutron repulsion.
  4. Danny Thomas replied to your comment Yes, and here’s an interesting, relevant article:
    Dave Burton, Thank you. I’ve been reading up on this phenomena and all I can find and it’s interesting that the volcanoes are a ‘relatively recent’ discovery, and yet as Willis suggests even …
  5. suyts replied to your comment This is in spite of Obama’s best efforts to worsen the wildfire problem. That sounds …
    Dave, sorry about the wait …. I don’t check the moderation bin near often enough. And, yeh, I’ve written on that in the past.
  6. amirlach replied to your comment What do they emit?
    They emit damp air… This is Deflate Gate on a Cosmic Scale?
  7. brians356 replied to your comment What do they emit?
    Tennis balls. BTW, “football”, in case anyone is confused by the spherical form of the molecule, translates to “soccer ball” outside Europe.
  8. Ken replied to your comment Thank you, Ken! Here’s another variant of (almost) the same Suzuki …
    It just boggles the mind. How can this guy still have a job as a science spokesman? And how in the name of heaven can self-respecting journalists continue to hype Suzuki, Gore, and their …
  9. Michael Richard replied to your comment The Superbowl blowout was an Inside Job! Dick Cheney’s old company, Halliburton, probably rigged …
    Bill Nye bet on the wrong team. That game ended spectacularly. The left shark was the best Superbowl performer of all time. Ms.Jackson’s boobs were sad because of her brother.
  10. no2liberals replied to your comment Tommy Lynn Sells, not “Selles.”
  11. Older than a month
  12. stevengoddard replied to your comment What’s with that glitch in the graph in late June?
    sensor failure
  13. The End