Digitizations... Fig. 4 from: Graven, H. et al (2020). doi:10.1029/2019GB006170. X-axis: date pixels 1940 228 1950 365 1960 503 1970 640 1980 777 1990 915 2000 1052 2010 1189 (1189-228)/70 = 13.72857 pixels/year px(yr) = 640 + ((yr-1970)*13.72857) Y-axis: Δ14‰ pixels 800 106 700 188 600 270 500 352 400 433 300 516 200 597 100 679 0 761 -100 843 -200 924 (924-106)/1000 = 0.818 pixels / mil px(Δ14‰) = 597 - ((Δ14‰ - 200)*0.818) Δ14‰(px) = 200 - ((px - 597)/0.818) Correspondence to: Dr. Heather Graven - - - A New Approach to the CO2 Airborne Fraction: Enhancing Statistical Precision and Tackling Zero Emissions https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.01053#:~:text=The%20consensus%20estimate%20of%20the,the%20oceanic%20and%20terrestrial%20biospheres. j.rogelj@imperial.ac.uk